All companies want to be successful and are focused on performance.
Everyone knows that it is the people that impact the performance and the bottom line of an organization. Hiring the right people, helping them to develop to become stronger and more focused on their work, aligning the senior team, and building a healthy and robust culture are just a few of the necessities that the senior leaders of the organization must address to achieve success and high performance.
As a management psychologist and business consultant, James P. Atsaides, Ph.D. has provided the business community objective human capital assessments and effective organization consulting services for over 40 years. Dr. Atsaides has made a positive difference in the well-being of organizations and the growth of their people. He has developed a reputation of being a trusted ally to senior management. Some of the ways that Jim helps executives and their organizations are as follows.

Select the Right Executive and Senior Manager that “Fits”
- Senior Management Candidate Assessment - Interview and assess the capabilities and competencies of outside or inside candidates for senior or key managerial positions. Evaluate the personality and work style of the individual, identify their key competencies, potential, and fit within the position and the culture of the organization. These assessments help to identify a person’s strengths, development areas, and ways to best manage them. For candidates, a recommendation to hire or not hire is made.
- Succession Planning Assessment – Evaluate the capabilities of those individuals who show promise within the organization for continued growth and make recommendations for their development. Provide Executive Coaching sessions for their development.
- Managerial & Associate Work Style Assessments for Selection and Development - Assess managerial candidates and associates at all levels using various personality assessment batteries and work style measures to assist in the hiring and development of the individuals for key Management, Sales, and Associate positions.
- Mergers & Acquisition Assessments - Evaluate the key individuals within the other firm before finalizing the merger or acquisition process to best understand their capabilities, motivations, attitudes and their potential for future growth. These assessments also help senior management understand the “cultural fit” of the two entities. Organizations incorporate this process as part of their due diligence to objectively understand the senior management of the other firm.
Improve the Effectiveness and Productivity of Executives
- Executive Coaching Programs – Help senior managers become stronger in their positions through a series of one-on-one skills evaluations, in-depth feedback, and targeted Executive Coaching sessions for better personal understanding and skill development.
- Senior Manager Peer Feedback Programs – Conduct multi-rater (360 degree) feedback programs for the individual’s greater self-awareness and enhance a stronger team performance. Improve the understanding of how a manager is being perceived and provide Executive Coaching for improvement.
Develop a High Performing Senior Team
- Senior Management Team Building – Various custom programs are available to help build a stronger team culture within the organization. These programs bond the senior team, improve open communication, encourage mutual respect, increase the feeling of shared leadership, promote healthy conflict, etc.
- Senior Team Strategic Alignment Program – This is a structured day-long retreat program that assesses how the senior team is currently functioning and provides practical advice and direction as to how to improve the overall team performance. Evaluate and decide upon a consistent and aligned understanding of the organization’s vision, current culture, desired culture, and best ways the team can work together. Focus on matters such as commitment, cooperation, communication, conflict management, decision making, etc. An effective and meaningful program for all senior teams.
Strengthen the Overall Organization
- Facilitate Leadership Retreats – Facilitate executive leadership retreats to improve the team’s communication, mutual understanding, personal interactions and commitment to each other while reflecting on the organization’s past performance and future strategy. Dr. Atsaides is very skilled in helping team members communicate openly with each other. By having Jim facilitate the team retreat, this allows all members to focus on what is being talked about, rather than on the activities of the facilitator. Jim works with the senior team members to help identify what they want covered at the retreat.
- Leadership Group Training Workshops – Train executives and managers with skill-based training workshops such as: (1) Executive Axioms for Leaders, and (2) Advanced Behavioral Interviewing Skills for management and those who interview candidates.
- Department Analysis Program – The Department Analysis Program evaluates the current workings of an organization or a department. Dr. Atsaides works with the senior management to understand what analysis is desired and develops a series of questions and identifies assessment instruments to use. Then, Jim conducts one-on-one interviews with the key managers and associates to best understand the issues and to come up with possible solutions. After the audit / analysis is conducted, the findings are shared with senior management and strategies are developed for improvement. The results are presented in a practical manner so that the recommendations can be implemented quickly.
- Culture Analysis Program - Culture begins at the top of the organization and flows downward to all associates. Our Culture Analysis Program helps organizations and senior management identify the current culture as it is described by themselves and/or others. Then, the senior managers identify the desired culture that would allow the organization to be successful and focused on performance and excellence. A meeting of the senior managers is held to discuss the findings and develop recommendations and strategies going forward to achieve the desired culture.
- Employee Survey Program – Dr. Atsaides helps organizations understand the feelings and needs of the associates through our Employee Survey Program. This program helps the organization to understand the feelings of the associates as to how things are going and what are the issues that need to be addressed. Working together with management, Jim helps the organization identify the right questions to ask given the desired outcome. He can conduct the employee surveys in person video calls or through written exercises. The results are summarized and provided to the senior management with recommendations for action.
- Position Competency Assessment – Dr. Atsaides has developed 75 competencies that identify the roles and activities of most positions. Our Position Competency Assessment uses these competency characteristics and helps senior management to understand what are the key competencies for a specific position. This is very important when hiring for a particular position, or changing the position’s role and responsibilities. Individuals who are currently in that position, who supervise that position, and those who are impacted by that position are asked to conduct this evaluation. The competency measure can be done on-line or in a group setting. Results are shared with senior management and a clearer understanding is achieved for that position. This helps to improve the job description, how the position is being advertised, focus on skill development, etc.
- Position Competencies Hiring Guides – Dr. Atsaides also helps organizations to hire the right person by helping them develop Position Competencies Hiring Guides. These hiring guides are developed from our 75 competency characteristics and help organizations stay focused on what is most critical for a given position. The hiring guides help managers understand the position and develop the key questions that are used during the interview of candidates. The results help the interviewers be consistent with how they are asking questions and better focus on what those key questions and skills are.
- Ongoing Consultation Programs – Regularly scheduled individual and organization consultations for strategy, development, performance improvement, culture change, improving team performance, etc.
- Board of Director Programs – Work with the organization’s Board of Directors to best understand the strategy they need to have so they can develop and maintain a successful organization. Meet with the Board to help evaluate the Chief Executive Officer. Conduct Board retreats to enhance team performance, improve communication, develop an aligned strategy, etc.
Please contact us to discuss any of our services and to request samples of the various assessment programs that we have.